Propane Distribution Systems
What we do
The Oversight and Safety Division has responsibility for Alternative Fuels, Gas Services and Pipeline Safety. This reorganization in January 2015 will bring even greater efficiency and consistency to these operations within the Commission, allowing the agency to better serve the state.
In 1995, the Railroad Commission of Texas (Commission) created the Gas Services Department to reflect the increasing importance of natural gas in Texas and the agency's commitment to enhance the efficiency of all sectors of the industry. The division enables the Commission to help Texas capitalize on the state's abundant reserves as markets expand.
This department also works to make sure a continuous, safe supply of natural gas is available to Texas consumers at the lowest, reasonable price. To change rates for customers within a city's limits, a gas utility must first apply to the city government. When a city and a utility can't agree on a proposed gas rate change, either may appeal to the Commission, which will then set the rates.
People living in unincorporated areas of the state are protected directly by the Commission, which has exclusive jurisdiction over gas rates and services in these areas. The Commission also has original jurisdiction over "city gate" rates - the rates for natural gas charged by a supplier to a city distribution system.
The department also focuses on regulatory policy and analysis, finding and eliminating natural gas transportation problems, and oversight of intrastate gathering and storage services.